
Safety Source Industrial can help you to solve your engineering and safety problems.

Project Management

  • Providing on-site safety personnel to manage company’s safety programs. Ensuring OH&S compliance with government legislation, company standards and audit protocols.

Program Development

  • Implementation of safety programming that will exceed all OH&S requirements, obtaining the necessary certification process required by organizations and government agencies. Team leaders will assist personnel from early stages of development through successful completion of the audit process.

Program Maintenance

  • Maintenance of a company safety program through a web site management program enables companies to access their program through the Internet, input documentation and reports and have this process monitored by safety professionals to ensure upkeep and compliance.

Fall Protection and Confined Space Surveys

  • Maintenance of your safety program through an RUSafe developed audit program which exceed all OH&S and certification requirements as outlined by organizations and Government agencies.

Gap Analysis

  • Thorough assessment of your safety program as measured against a given standard or a specific part of a safety program (i.e. certificate of recognition program). The outcome is an extensive written report detailing the strength and weakness of your program to that standard.

Rescue Stand-by

  • Providing equipment and personnel for rescue standby, confined space stand by and rescue services for rescue from heights using industrial rope rescue techniques in accordance with CSA standards. Also providing rescue planning services to meet local and provincial regulations.

Contact us for more information regarding these services.